So I Launched a Home Fitness Store…

Hey beautiful people! It’s been awhile! I hope all of you and your families are safe during this time. Prayers go out to you all.

If you’ve been keeping up with me on social media then you may have seen that I recently launched a home fitness store, Elite Lux Home Fitness! I don’t know about you but quarantine has changed so much in my life including my fitness routine and lifestyle. Although gyms are finally opening again I’ve found that I’ve become accustomed to working out at home. I find it much more comfortable being in the comfort of my own home. On top of that, I’ve been saving a lot more money since I stopped paying for my gym membership. I have received a great deal of support since first launching Elite Lux Home Fitness and I could not be more grateful!

If you are also working out at home feel free to check out my site!

We carry workout equipment, accessories and apparel. And again, a huge thank you to you all for supporting my blog. So much gratitude for you ALL! Stay beautiful!

Connect with me on Instagram @shemaiasunflower
